Air filter technology against COVID in indoor spaces
On the initiative of the SILICON ALPS Cluster and in further cooperation with the Styrian Human.Technology Cluster and the Upper Austrian Medical Technology Cluster, the Expert Forum Cleanroom Technologies against COVID-19 was founded to provide the public, politics and business with well-founded information and advice.
Austria plays a pioneering and leading role in cleanroom technology worldwide. With 80 years of experience in keeping the ambient air in the production of micro and nanotechnologies clean of any harmful substances, the Expert Forum Cleanroom Technologies against COVID-19 is considered an important centre of excellence. Austria’s leading cleanroom companies, universities, users of filter technology from large-scale industry and specialised start-ups form the spearhead of this high-calibre body.
- Product testing and statements
- Consultancy services for users, planners and decision-makers
- Simulations (CFD, and simplified at room and building level)
- Measurement technology Visualisation and qualification
- Project planning, application planning
- MIBI airborne germ measurement and surface analysis
- Decontamination technology and processes (calculation, development, optimisation)
- Public relations, opinion-forming, statements
- Product and system development and sales
- Exchange of experience, industry recommendations, neutrality of the cluster
- (Further) training in the field of ventilation and filter technology
The Experts:
- Roman Czech, CEO Cleanroom Technology Austria GmbH
- Josef Ortner, CEO Ortner Cleanroom Engineering GmbH
- Stefan Radl, Associate Professor, Institut für Prozess- und Partikeltechnik TU Graz
- Emanuel Rothmayr, Sales/Product Management COMPREI Reinraum- Handel- Schulungs GesmbH.
- Josef Hackl, CEO WILD Group
- Klaus Krüger, CEO Kappa Filter Systems
- Michael Ebner, (Filtertechnik) Plant & Sales Manager Austria
MANN+HUMMEL Jack Filter GmbH - Roland Pufitsch, CEO Silent Quo GmbH
- Alexander Fian, Laboratory management and cleanroom manager, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
- Susanna Molterer, MTC Medizintechnik-Cluster of Business Upper Austria
- Regina Werkl, Business Development Pharma & BioTechHuman Technology Styria
- Ortwin Ertl, CEO Annikki GmbH