Light up the ALPS 2025

Science Park Graz GmbH





Driven by a passion for innovation, the Science Park Graz has been supporting emerging entrepreneurs for more than 18 years. A powerful support structure and the expertise and experience of a dedicated team are the foundations upon which, to date, we have helped over 150 high-tech projects evolve into flourishing companies, and our mission continues: Empowering dreamers to become doers, so visionary ideas can transform into successful businesses.


Ever since 2002, Science Park Graz (SPG) has dedicated itself to propelling its start-ups to success and keeping the wheel of innovation turning. Each year, more than 30 start-ups are supported on their way to evolving into thriving companies.

Our mission is to support academics from all scientific disciplines with promising visions and highly innovative business ideas in the early phase of their start-up plans, so we aim at paving their way to international success.


Innovative high-tech companies who show promise for growth and the potential for internationalisation are supported with coaching, access to business and technical networks, funding, office accommodation and infrastructure – all equity-free. The incubation period ranges from 18 to 24 months, depending on the programme (AplusB or ESA BIC Austria) best suitable for the respective business venture.


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Stremayrgasse 16/IV | 8010 Graz

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