Light up the ALPS 2025

Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)



About us:


Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) is  a non-university research center for electronic based systems (EBS). At three locations (Graz, Villach, Linz), SAL is conducting application- and industry-oriented research along the entire EBS value chain in the areas of microsystems, sensor systems, power electronics, intelligent wireless systems and embedded systems to develop future-oriented solutions for industrial production, health, energy, mobility, safety and more.

SAL brings together key players from industry, science and research and thus valuable expertise and know-how and conducts cooperative, application-oriented research along the value chain. Cooperative projects are co-financed by SAL and enable a fast and unbureaucratic project start.


How to collaborate with us:


We offer co-financed, unbureaucratic cooperative projects (in accordance with European state aid law). 50% of the project volume is financed by SAL, while the cash contribution from the industrial partners only amounts to 25% of the total project volume. The remaining 25% is contributed by industry through in-kind services.

You can also take advantage of our R&D services. In addition to numerous highly equipped laboratories (including a Metrology Lab, Environmental Lab and an Optics Lab), an ISO class 5 cleanroom for processing chips and wafers as well as using the latest packaging technologies is available for research in Villach. Our cleanroom has a state-of-the-art 8 inch front- & back-end line for MEMS and MOEMS produc­tion. From nanoiden­ters to Raman spec­troscopy and SEM (Scan­ning Elec­tron Micro­scope), all test and char­ac­ter­i­za­tion equip­ment is avail­able.
Sandgasse 34, Österreich-8010 Graz

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